Climate Change: Cuba’s Fight Against Extreme Drought

By Alejandra Garcia on March 14, 2023, from Havana

photo: Bill Hackwell

Cuba is particularly vulnerable to climate change, being an island and a tropical country. Cycles of drought, hurricanes, and rainfall are becoming more frequent and intense, impacting people’s lives as never before. (more…)

Cuba Ready to Commemorate Press Day amid Historical Challenges 

By Alejandra Garcia on March 12, 2023

University of Havana, photo: Bill Hackwell

On March 14 Cuban media will be celebrating the 131st anniversary of Patria, the newspaper founded by the father of Cuba, José Martí in 1892 with the purpose of “gathering and loving, and to live in the passion of truth.” On these dates, the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC) and every media outlet in the country take to the streets to hold exhibitions, activities, debates, and tributes to the figures of Cuban journalism. (more…)

International Women’s Day 2023: The Struggle Continues

By Alejandra Garcia on March 8, 2023 in Havana, Photos Bill Hackwell in Buenos Aires

tens of thousands of mostly young women demand equality. Photos: Bill Hackwell

March 8, tens of thousands of mostly young women march in Buenos Aires to demand equality. Photos: Bill Hackwell

On March 25, 1911, a fire broke out at the Triangle Waist Co men’s shirt factory in New York City. The owner of the company had locked the door from the outside to prevent the workers, who were all women, from skipping out early. (more…)

Cuba Fights a Major Fire in the Eastern Part of the Island

By Alejandra Garcia on March 2, 2023 from Havana

For more than 10 days, a major fire has been raging in the eastern Cuban province of Holguin, wreaking havoc on more than 3,600 hectares of pine forests, pastures, and coffee plantations. There have been no fatalities, thanks to the promptness of the rescue brigades and local authorities, but the damage to vegetation and fauna is irreparable. (more…)

Brazil: Unprecedented Rains Leave Desolation and Death In Sao Paulo

By Alejandra Garcia on February 21, 2023

Photo: Nelson Almeida

This weekend, celebrations for Brazil’s traditional carnival have been overshadowed by the wake of pain and desolation left by unprecedented rains in Sao Paulo. Over 500 rescuers, law enforcement, military, and citizens woke up Tuesday morning searching among debris and floods for possible victims of the catastrophe, which so far has left 44 dead, including children. (more…)

Colombia: Petro Seeks to Improve Healthcare for the People

By Alejandra Garcia on February 15, 2023

Colombians in the street in support of new healthcare bill

 Colombian President Gustavo Petro does not seem to have forgotten his campaign promises. On Monday, after months of discussing an important health care reform, Health Minister Carolina Corcho and the Colombian leader presented a bill during a symbolic ceremony in the Plaza de Armas of the Casa de Nariño. (more…)

Cuba and Mexico Strengthen Ties of Friendship with the Visit of Díaz-Canel to Campeche

By Alejandra Garcia on February 12, 2023

photo: cuba presidencia

Cuba and Mexico continued to strengthen their ties of brotherhood  Saturday, as the president of the Caribbean island, Miguel Díaz-Canel, received from the hands of his Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle, the highest decoration awarded to a foreign head of state. The act, which took place during the visit of the Cuban leader to the State of Campeche, represents a new seal to a close bilateral relationship that goes beyond the symbolic. (more…)

Cuba to Honor Colombian Culture at its Emblematic International Book Fair

By Alejandra Garcia on February 5, 2023,  from Havana

31st Int. book fair to open in Havana Feb. 9

Cuba and Colombia are once again forging closer ties of brotherhood after the nefarious years of the right-wing Ivan Duque. This week, it was news that the island will dedicate its emblematic Havana International Book Fair to the South American nation as a sign of peace and respect. (more…)

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