Cuba vs Vulture Fund: The Island Fights Neoliberalism in London Trial

By Alejandra Garcia on January 31, 2023

In the 2000s, a vulture fund succeeded in driving Argentina out of the international markets, preventing it from accessing them for 12 years. The case transcended as Argentina versus Elliott Management Corporation, a group of investors that won a lawsuit against Buenos Aires in 2002 and, in 2012, even seized the Libertad frigate, the flagship of the Argentine Navy. (more…)

Venezuela Celebrates Victory of Democracy with Massive March

By Alejandra Garcia on January 24, 2023

Maduro addresses thousands of Venezuelans  on day of democracy.

“As of today, every January 23 we will commemorate the victory of the people of Venezuela against Yankee imperialism and its defeated coup d’état,” Nicolás Maduro said Monday to a rally of people who gathered to demand an end of sanctions imposed by the United States and for bringing to justice those who plundered the country’s funds for their own benefit. (more…)

Peru: Demonstrators Arrive in Lima to Demand Justice and Democracy

By Alejandra Garcia on January 19, 2023

17 dead in Juliaca

Today protestors against Peru’s unelected president, Dina Boluarte, began flooding into Lima after a month and a half of social unrest that has left more than 50 dead, mainly at the hands of police forces. The demonstrators, mostly farmers from the south of the country, spent the night on some university campuses and intend to march to the center of the capital  while the state agents are trying to encircle their perimeter. (more…)

Cuba and the US: a Long Road to Establishing an Orderly and Regular Migration

By Alejandra Garcia on January 15, 2023

Jose Pertierra, photo: Bill Hackwell

On January 9, U.S. President Joe Biden announced new immigration measures for Cuba in an attempt to contain the crisis that has persisted on the southern border with Mexico since the era of his predecessor Donald Trump. The initiatives explicitly seek to discourage illegal migration of Cubans to the United States, while allowing a limited number of Cubans to enter the country under the so-called parole process. At the same time, those who do not qualify will be expelled. (more…)

Cuba: Searching for Julio Antonio Mella, 94 Years after his Assassination

By Alejandra Garcia on January 10, 2023 from Havana

Antonio Mella statue near the University of Havana. photo: Bill Hackwell

Ninety-four years ago today, Cuban communist leader Julio Antonio Mella was assassinated in Mexico City by the Cuban dictatorship of Gerardo Machado. He was just 26 years old at the time, and had already written dozens of progressive texts, initiated several student organizations and founded the Cuban Communist Party that prevails and honors his legacy. Resumen Latinoamericano traveled the streets of Cuba’s capital in search of his memory. (more…)

US Embassy Reopening in Cuba: A Correct Step That Changes Nothing

By Alejandra Garcia on January 5, 2023 from Havana

US embassy in Havana, photo: Bill Hackwell

Yesterday the US embassy in Cuba resumed a limited immigrant visa process after nearly six years without consular services. The administration of the nefarious Donald Trump (2017-2021) closed the headquarters and reduced its employees under the pretext of alleged acoustic attacks against its diplomats, a theory almost taken out of a fiction book that was discarded by scientists and official reports. (more…)

Brazil: Lula is Back, it is Time for Reconstruction

By Alejandra Garcia on January 3, 2023

Lula inaugurated by ordinary Brazilians. photo: Lela-Beltrao

Inequality, prejudice, racism. These were the words most often used by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to describe the condition he is receiving of his country after four years of the nefarious Jair Bolsonaro. Brazil is in pain. It doesn’t forget the hundreds of thousands of deaths left by the Covid-19 and the mismanagement of the former government, nor the high rates of poverty and violence that skyrocketed since 2019. (more…)

Brazil Gets Ready For Lula´s Return

By Alejandra Garcia on December 27, 2022

Lula campaigning for president

January 1 will be a long-awaited day for Brazil’s progressive movement. On that day, Luis Inácio Lula Da Silva, once and future president, will officially replace the nefarious Latin American Trump, Jair Bolsonaro. With only a few days ahead, the country is already beginning to prepare for this historic day. (more…)

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