COP27: Latin American Leaders Unite Their Voices against Climate Change

By Alejandra Garcia on November 10, 2022

The eyes of the world are on Egypt as this African country is now hosting the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention (COP27), where hundreds of heads of state, ministers, activists, civil society representatives and businessmen from almost 200 countries are discussing climate change. (more…)

COP27: Latin America Has Urgent Demands to Address Climate Crisis

By Alejandra Garcia on November 6, 2022

How can we stop climate change, which is having a strong impact on the world, especially in Latin America? What are the challenges facing the region in this regard? How can youth movements, indigenous peoples, farmers, environmental activists, and civil society organizations make their voices heard? (more…)

The World Stands with Cuba Once Again!

By Alejandra Garcia on November 3, 2022 in Havana

San Francisco celebrates in the street the vote in the UN for Cuba. photo: Bill Hackwell

Once again, the United States has been left alone in its efforts to stifle Cuba. The General Assembly of the United Nations once again pronounced itself overwhelmingly against the economic blockade that Washington insists on maintaining against the island. (more…)

Cuba Points the Blame at the White House for Encouraging Dangerous and Deadly Migration to the US

By Alejandra Garcia on November 1, 2022 from Havana

photo: Bill Hackwell

How many more Cubans will have to die in the waters nearby in their effort to reach the United States, before the White House recognizes that they hold the responsibility for this sad Cuban reality? When will the Caribbean island be able to count on an orderly and safe migration to the North American country, and policies that do not facilitate the illegal entry of Cubans to that nation, whether by sea or land? (more…)

Cuba: Imagine What We Could Have Achieved Without the Blockade

By Alejandra Garcia on October 20, 2022

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez

On November 2 and 3, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), will consider for the 30th time in a row, the need to put an end to the economic, commercial, and financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba more than 60 years ago. (more…)

Cuba: 60 Years of the Missile Crisis

By Alejandra Garcia on October 18, 2022 from Havana

 This October, Cuba remembers the installation of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba, a decision that triggered one of the worst crises of the so-called Cold War. For several days, the world was on the brink of a war with incalculable consequences, which showed the will of the Cuban people to defend their sovereignty at any cost. (more…)

Pinar del Rio, Epicenter of Recovery After Ian’s Impact on Cuba

By Alejandra Garcia on October 13, 2022 from Havana

Cuban President Diaz Canel, helps remove Hurricane Ian debris in Pinar del Rio, photo: Alejandro Azcuy Dominguez

Fifteen days after the passage of Hurricane Ian through western Cuba, authorities, technicians, neighbors, and entire communities are continuing to work tirelessly to reestablish the services most demanded by the population, and much remains to be done. This territory is today the epicenter of the recovery efforts amid the devastation and pain. (more…)

Venezuela Responds to Deadly Landslides in Las Tejerías

By Alejandra Garcia and Bill Hackwell on October 11, 2022

On Sunday the inhabitants of the Venezuelan community of Las Tejerías lived through a sudden and devastating tragedy. After several days of heavy rains, the community located in the municipality of Santos Michelena, in the state of Aragua, suffered landslides in 21 sectors of the area, leaving dozens of homes and families buried under the mud. (more…)

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