How Biden Embraced Trump’s Terror Smear Against Cuba

By Alyssa Oursler and Jack McGrath on January 12, 2025

2023 protest in front of the White House calling for Biden to take Cuba of the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. photo: Bill Hackwell

Four years ago today, Donald Trump baselessly put Cuba on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list. As president, Joe Biden went along with the lie. (more…)

Chavismo Sworn in with Maduro as the Opposition Failed Again with its Bad Omens

By Carlos Aznárez on January 12 from Caracas

Nicolás Maduro is sworn in as the president of Venezuela with his hand on the Constitution of the country. photo: Alejandro Azcuy

What healthy envy it provokes to go out to the streets of Caracas and all of Venezuela, and realize that the brave people here have once again ratified their enormous levels of loyalty to a revolutionary process that has made them grow in consciousness and well-being. (more…)

Is President Noboa Violating the Rule of Law in Ecuador?

By Pablo Meriguet on January 11, 2025

Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa

President Daniel Noboa continues his controversial maneuvers in Ecuador, including the sanctioning of his Vice President, disregard for constitutional processes, and violation of electoral laws. (more…)

New Ultra-Rightwing Show Against Venezuela Overthrown

By Rubén G. Abelenda on January 11, 2025

photo: Alejandro Azcuy

The swearing-in on January 10 of Nicolás Maduro as president for the 2025-2031 term put an end to a new show against Venezuela staged by the domestic ultra-right, and financed and encouraged by the U.S. and European and Latin American governments beholden to the White House. (more…)

Only Force Will Stop Genocide

By Paul Larudee on January 8th, 2025

photo: Bill Hackwell

We have long passed the point of mobilizing world opinion against Israel’s shameless and wanton slaughter of countless defenseless civilian Palestinian men, women, children and even the unborn. (more…)

A Surprising Immigration Raid in Kern County Foreshadows What Awaits Farmworkers and Businesses

By Sergio Olmos on Januray 11, 2025

Farmworkers work on a field outside of Bakersfield. Photo by Larry Valenzuela, CalMatters

Resumen is running this local article to underscore that despite the significant role that immigrant workers, documented or undocumented, play in the US economy they live in constant fear of the government; Republican or Democrat. (more…)

Venezuela: An Anti-Fascist Presidential Inauguration

By Mueve AL on January 9, 2025

Jan. 9- Participants of the Grand World Anti-Fascist Festival. photo: Telesur

More than 2,000 social leaders, communicators and national and international political activists gathered today at the La Carlota Center, Caracas, to participate in the Great World Anti-Fascist Festival and, from that front, to support the inauguration of President Nicolás Maduro Moros. (more…)

Nicaragua: The Next Objective of the Corporate Press and US Imperialism

By Juanulu Gonzalez and Pepe Barroso on January 5, 2025

When Nicaragua again announced its plan to build the alternative inter-oceanic canal to that of Panama, a wave of silent outrage swept through the offices of Washington, Wall Street and the offices of large multinationals. In this project, backed by Chinese investors, the possibility of radically changing the rules of global trade and challenging US hegemony in the region opens up. (more…)

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