Cuba Takes Steps to Improve its People’s Economy despite U.S. Blockade

By Alejandra Garcia on August 25, 2022

photo/ Abel Padrón Padilla

Cuba is living a tense economic situation, aggravated by frequent blackouts, lack of fuel, medicines, food and other necessities. The best stocked stores in the country are those with values in Freely Convertible Currencies, known as MLC -for its acronym in Spanish- a type of currency that most of the people couldn’t afford until very recently. (more…)

Mexico Declares Ayotzinapa 43 Case A State Crime

By Alejandra Garcia on August 23, 2022

photo: Bill Hackwell

On September 26, 2014, 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Normal Rural School disappeared in the Mexican city of Iguala, in the Guerrero state, and their loved ones never heard from them again. Eight years later, the controversy remains unsolved despite the families’ endless calls for justice. (more…)

Cuba’s Farewell To The Heroes Of The Matanzas Fire

By Alejandra Garcia on August 21, 2022, from Havana

photos: Yaimi Ravelo

Silence. Fourteen coffins covered with a Cuban flag rest under the altar of the Virgin of the Forsaken, patron saint of firefighters in Cuba. In the background, two floral tributes of very red roses stand out, among many others, with the signatures of Díaz-Canel and Raul. Matanzas hurt deeply on Friday. (more…)

Cuba and Mexico’s Constant Support in Difficult Times

By Alejandra Garcia on August 16, 2022 from Havana

AMLO and Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel

This 2022, Cuba and Mexico celebrated 120 years of uninterrupted diplomatic relations, marked by the historical ties of brotherhood and solidarity that unite both nations. Since ancient times, the two countries have maintained true sisterly relations due to their geographic proximity, migration, language, music, sports, culture and idiosyncrasy. (more…)

Fidel’s Guidance in All of Cuba’s Struggles

By Alejandra Garcia on August 11, 2022 from Havana

Fidel, photo: Roberto Chile

These days Cuba is recovering from an unprecedented fire, which has kept Matanzas, the whole island, and especially rescuers, firefighters, and authorities on full alert since the night of August 5. The continuous explosions in one of the main oil storage facilities in the country left a trail of thick black smoke that covered the Havana sky for five days. It also left so far two deaths, 14 people missing, and over a hundred people injured. (more…)

Matanzas Explosion Unleashes Wave of Solidarity for Cuba

By Alejandra Garcia on August 7, 2022 from Havana

Photo: Raul Navarro, Periodico Giron de Matanzas

The eyes of the world are upon Cuba after an enormous fire caused by a lightning strike on a crude oil storage tank in the Cuban city of Matanzas killed one firefighter and injuring more than 120 people. At least 16 people are missing while firefighters and specialized personnel are trying to contain the blaze. (more…)

Hate Campaign Targets Bridges of Love for Its Solidarity Work with Cuba

By Alejandra Garcia on August 4, 2022, from Havana

Carlos Laso meeting with Cuban President  Miguel Diaz-Canel.

Marco Rubio has done it again. The man famous for slandering and being ashamed of his Cuban and Latino roots once again made a fool of himself before the world by requesting the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to conduct an “immediate” inquiry into the ties between the U.S.-based solidarity group Puentes de Amor and Cuba. (more…)

The Pope Apologizes For Cultural Genocide against Indigenous Communities in Canada

By Alejandra Garcia on July 28, 2022

An Indigenous woman sings a powerful rendition of O’ Canada, in Cree during the Pope’s visit. photo: Gavin John, Globe and Mail

Canada is opening its eyes to the past as it gradually uncovers with horror the traces of colonization and religion in the country. This is happening since a year ago when a mass grave with 215 remains of indigenous children was discovered in the vicinity of a former residential school in the British Columbia province in May, 2021. (more…)

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