To Joseph Biden President of the United States of America on December 28, 2024
Mr. President:
The association that we constitute, part of a broad international community whose membership and high mission is indicated by its name, vehemently exhort Mr. President, in exercise of the constitutional power vested in him at the time of the end of his term, and as a gesture of goodwill to the peoples of the world, to grant a PRESIDENTIAL Pardon to Mr. JUVENAL OVIDIO RICARDO PALMERA PINEDA (SIMÓN TRINIDAD). (more…)
Por Diana Block el 27 de diciembre de 2024
Ramón, Rene, Gerardo, Antonio, Fernando y miembro de La Colmenita, 17 de diciembre de 2024. Foto: Alejandro Azcuy Domínguez.
Puedo recordar claramente el torrente de alegría que sentí cuando escuché la casi increíble noticia de que los últimos tres miembros de los Cinco Cubanos, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero y Ramón Labañino, habían aterrizado en La Habana el 17 de diciembre de 2014 después de dieciséis años de injusto encarcelamiento en prisiones de Estados Unidos. Los otros dos miembros de los Cinco, Fernando González, y René González, habían sido liberados previamente al término de sus condenas en prisión. (more…)
By José Manzaneda on December 28, 2024
Blackmailing Mexico to sink Cuba amid blackouts
In recent years, the Mexican government has come to the aid of the Cuban people on several occasions[i]. A month ago, it sent 400,000 barrels of oil to alleviate the acute electricity crisis on the island[ii]. (more…)
Single payer, medical missions, and the US campaign of disinformation
By Mark Ginsburg on December 26, 2024
Poster on wall of the University of Medical Sciences in Matanzas, also featuring Fidel Castro Ruz and the “Cuban Five.”
I was in Cuba (again) during the first week of December. I traveled with a delegation of members of the National Single Payer organization, which is working to achieve a national healthcare system in the US that would fully cover everyone under a single, comprehensive, government-funded program. We visited a variety of healthcare institutions in the cities of Havana and Matanzas, the capital of the province of the same name. (more…)
By Vijay Prashad on December 26, 2024
Maysa Yousef (Gaza, Occupied Palestinian Territory), Alice in Palestine #1, 2021.
Dear friends,
Pain shudders through the arteries of global society. Day after day passes by as the genocide against the Palestinian people continues and the conflicts in the Great Lakes region of Africa and Sudan escalate. More and more people slip into absolute poverty as arms companies’ profits soar. These realities have hardened society, allowing people to bury their heads and ignore the horrors unfolding across the world. (more…)
By Roger D. Harris and John Perry on December 27, 2024
The progressive regional current, the “Pink Tide,” could be better called “troubled waters” in 2024. The tide had already slackened by 2023 compared to its rise in 2022, when it was buoyed by big wins in Colombia and Brazil. Then, progressive alternatives had sailed into power replacing failed neoliberal policies. Since, they have had to govern under circumstances that they inherited but were not their own making. (more…)
By Diana Block on December 27, 2024
Ramón, Rene, Gerardo, Antonio, Fernando and member of La Colmenita, Dec. 17, 2024. Photo: Alejandro Azcuy Dominguez.
I can remember clearly the rush of joy I felt when I heard the almost unbelievable news that the last three members of the Cuban 5, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, and Ramón Labañino, had landed in Havana on December 17th, 2014 after sixteen years of unjust incarceration in U.S. prisons. (The other two members of the Five, Fernando González, and René González, had been released previously at the end of their prison terms.) (more…)
By Alejandra Garcia on December 26, 2024
The Venezuelan government has given away 14 million toys to children for the Christmas holidays
The nights in Venezuela are a spectacle of red, green and yellow lights. The cities are decorated and embellished since October 1st, date on which the Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro announced the early arrival of Christmas to “give joy to the Venezuelan people,” after the violence unleashed by the ultra-right following the election results of August 28, which gave the victory to the Bolivarian leader. (more…)