By Elson Concepción Pérez on December 9, 2024
Syrian terrorist groups taking over Damascus. Photo via The New Arab
I have read in the media, and in some blogs of the so-called social networks, all kinds of analysis about the Syrian collapse. In some cases they seem to me markedly disqualified by their superficial and absolute subjective judgments on the government of Bashar al-Assad, and also on the confrontation or not with the armed groups that in 13 days occupied power in the Arab country, without much resistance. (more…)
Edited by Ed Newman on December 9, 2024 (RHC)
Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez today condemned through the X account the Israeli army’s occupation of the demilitarized strip in the occupied Syrian Golan, established in the 1974 Separation Agreement. (more…)
By Resumen Latinoamericano on December 07, 2024.
photo: Bill Hackwell
Human rights organizations have expressed their “deep concern” about the latest armed attacks in communities in the municipality of Pantelhó, in the Highlands of Chiapas, which have caused forced displacements of over 3,000 of the Tseltal and Tsotsil population, as well as psycho-social impacts, especially on children, due to the generalized “terror”. (more…)
By Pablo Meriguet on December 9, 2024
Yamandu Orsi
On November 24, the Broad Front won a victory that many assumed was impossible. The old specter of a potentially triumphant right-wing weighed heavily. The alliance between all the right-wing parties in the second round made the center-left foresee a negative outcome. (more…)
December 8, 2024
Symposium on the banning of black authors in the US. Photos: Marcelino Vázquez Hernández/ Cubadebate
Attempts to control historical memory and impose a white racist narrative on society were discussed this Friday at Casa de las Americas, in the context of the symposium “Banning Black Books, Silencing Black Voices. Apartheid in the United States”. (more…)
By Yaima Puig Meneses on December 8, 2024
Meeting with the Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution (ACRC) Photo: Estudios Revolución
“Welcome to your Palace, to the Palace of the Revolution, which is the trench and home of those of us who work every day for the work that you and your comrades in struggle brought undefeated to us.” (more…)
By Atilio Boron on December 8, 2024 from Buenos Aires
US National Anthem sung during the opening of CPAC in Buenos Aires, photo: Juan Mabromata / AFP
The title of this article summarizes with these few words the much publicized meeting of CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, which took place in Buenos Aires this past Wednesday. Despite the efforts of the libertarian militancy and the support of the large legion of “ensobrados” that swarm in the media and political spheres, the main hall that was supposed to be filled by the supporters of the “New Order” proposed by the redeemer of the West was barely fifty percent occupied. (more…)
December 3, 2024 from Mexico City
Claudia Sheinbaum, president of Mexico
Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum reiterated today the need to lift the economic blockades imposed by the United States on Cuba and Venezuela while speaking of the importance of addressing causes of the migration phenomenon. (more…)