By Yaimi Ravelo, Victor Villalba and Syara S. Massip on December 17, 2024 from Havana
Photo: Alejandro Azcuy Domínguez.
“Our battle will be difficult and long, these are five strong, heroic men, with very deep convictions, whose minds and ideas could not change, who could not be made to waver for a second, despite the rigors and pressures to which they were subjected since their arrest.” – Fidel (more…)
By Roger D. Harris on December 17, 2024
Ten days before Donald Trump will be inaugurated in Washington DC on January 20, there will be another inauguration in Caracas. Two contenders claim they will receive the Venezuelan presidential sash. (more…)
By José Ramón Cabañas Rodríguez on December 17, 2024
Celebration in Washington DC after the return of the Cuban 5 to their homeland. photos: Bill Hackwell
On that December 17, Cubans, Americans and citizens from all over the world began the day with news and rumors that foretold that it would be a singular day. It was reported that at midday both Army General Raul Castro Ruz and President Barack Obama would make public announcements. (more…)
By Elson Concepcion Perez on December 16, 2024 from Havana
Fidel and the beginning of Mesa Redonda
Twenty-five years ago, our Fidel, in the midst of his creative work, conceived a television program to address international and national problems, as part of his conception of education and the formation of our people, based not on dogmas or whims, but on his own analysis and convictions always attached to the truth. (more…)
Cuban President Diaz Canel Photo: Estudios Revolución.
Speech by Cuban President and First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, Miguel Díaz-Canel, at the XXIV Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), in Caracas, Venezuela, on December 14, 2024. (more…)
December 15, 2024
Political prisoner Simón Trinidad (right). Photo: Campaign to Free Simón Trinidad
A few weeks ago, media reports revealed that the government of Gustavo Petro asked President Biden to pardon Simón Trinidad, a former Colombian guerrilla fighter who was sentenced to 60 years in prison in the United States after being captured in Ecuador in 2004 when he was on his way to meet with a United Nations delegate. (more…)
By Becca Renk on December 14, 2024
High school graduation in Nicaragua. photos: Becca Renk
I’m giving my new neighbor Wilmer a ride into town. He’s from the interior of Nicaragua, Siuna. To make conversation, I ask about horses. Wilmer explains to me the attributes of horses versus mules and donkeys, the relative cost of each animal and the cost of breeding a mare with a donkey. (more…)
By Aura Torrealba on December 13, 2024
Ricardo Sanchez providing details of the university programs.
The Venezuelan minister for higher education, Ricardo Sánchez, has reported that the Venezuelan university sector is the most robust in the region, comprising 173 higher education institutions in which not only Venezuelan students, but also students from other countries, attend free of charge and receive a high quality education. (more…)