Aleida Guevara: On the US Elections, ‘The Same Dog with a Different Collar,’

Edited by Nathallia Fonseca on November 18, 2024

Aleida Guevara during the activity of the G20 in Rio de Janeiro. photo: Wellington Lenon/MST

Cuban Doctor Aleida Guevara’s interview with Brazil de Fato in the context of the G20

Following in the footsteps of her father, the Cuban Revolution guerrilla Ernesto Che Guevara, Aleida studied medicine in Cuba, specializing in pediatrics. (more…)

Solidarity Network in the US Ratifies the Struggle against the Blockade on Cuba

Edited by Ed Newman – RHC on November 18, 2024

NNOC meeting in Detroit Michigan

Representatives of more than 70 organizations of the National Network on Cuba in the United States (NNOC) concluded last night the annual meeting of this broad coalition with a call for the lifting of the blockade of the Caribbean country. (more…)

Cuba: Havana Turns 505 Years amid Recovery Efforts

By Alejandra Garcia on November 16, 2024

Havana, photo: Bill Hackwell

Today, Havana, the capital of all Cubans celebrates its 505th anniversary amidst tremendous efforts by society and the government to rebuild the city from the devastation caused by Hurricane Rafael. At the beginning of November, the category 4 meteorological event left a desolate panorama as it passed through the western part of the island. (more…)

Latin America School of Medicine: 25 Years of Defending Hope

By Yaima Puig Meneses on November 16, 2024

photo: Estudios Revolución

There are those who say that at the end of 1998 hope had abandoned Central America and the Caribbean: two tremendous hurricanes, George and Mitch, left a large number of fatalities and incalculable material damage in those towns, already hit by the pandemic of poverty. (more…)

Argentina is only Country in the World that Votes against Resolution to Eliminate Violence against Women

Edited by Ed Newman on November 15, 2024

Resolution to eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls. photo: Bill Hackwell

Buenos Aires; The Government of Argentina voted Thursday against the resolution to “Intensify efforts in the prevention and elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls, especially in the digital environment” at the United Nations (UN). (more…)

President Sheinbaum: Mexico does not subordinate itself to the United States

November 15, 2024

The president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum responded Thursday to the ambassador of the United States, Ken Salazar for his statements against the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador in security matters. (more…)

In Cuba They Will Not Be Able to Extinguish the Light of Resistance

From the Continental Day for Democracy and Against Neoliberalism on November 14, 2024 from Buenos Aires

We express our solidarity with the Cuban people, who once again are facing the devastating consequences of a hurricane, in this case Hurricane Hurricane Rafael, which has caused power cuts in has caused power outages in several provinces of the country. (more…)

Cuba and the Return of the “Tycoon”

By Giorgio Trucchi on November 14, 2024, from Honduras

Cuban doctors arrive in Honduras during Covid

A serious energy crisis, two hurricanes and an earthquake, all in less than a month, have seriously affected the largest of the Greater Antilles. But the bigger concern for the Cuban people perhaps is the sweeping re-election of Donald Trump in its hostile neighbor to the North. (more…)

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