By Geraldina Colotti on October 16, 2024.
The summit of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) opened in Rome, in the midst of the conflict that is spreading to the Middle East and which forces to confront the relationship between capitalist exploitation, imperialist wars and food security. One year after the genocide perpetrated by the Zionist regime, which shows no signs of abating, the figures from Palestine published by FAO indicate the inconsistency of “humanitarian” intervention without political action against colonial oppression. (more…)
By Roger D. Harris on October 19, 2024
Photo: Cristian L. Ricardo – Public Domain
“The majority of Cubans support Castro…every possible means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the economic life of Cuba…to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government.”
Lester D. Mallory, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, 1960. (more…)
October 19, 2024
Due to the effects of the blockade, 13 of the 15 thermal units are out of the maintenance cycle. Photo: Omara García Mederos, Granma
Today, Cuba once again experienced a total power outage after the recovery process of the National Electric System (SEN), initiated the day before following a blackout caused by a failure at a thermoelectric plant, failed. The Caribbean nation is unable to purchase or modernize its electrical machinery due to the draconian, unilateral blockade of the US. (more…)
By Ignacio Ramonet on October 19, 2024
The appeal of BRICS is also being felt in Europe, where countries such as Serbia aspire to be in BRICS
The 16th BRICS+ Summit takes place from October 22-24 in Kazan, Russia. This summit will be attended by the five newly co-opted countries – Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iran and Ethiopia. The new 10-member BRICS+ alliance will define the group’s broad directions for a stronger partnership that is radically transforming global geopolitics. (more…)
By Alejandra Garcia on October 17, 2024
Severe blackouts hit Ecuador, photo: Bloomberg
The massive power cuts in Ecuador continue to cause havoc and threaten to become more serious each time. The country subsists between several parallel crises, but the electricity breakdown is the one that concentrates the discomfort of the citizens and, also, of the government of President Daniel Noboa, a U.S born right-wing neo liberal corporate businessman who is giving away the country’s resources while the people sit in the dark. (more…)
Edited by Ed Newman on October 17, 2024
Diosdado Cabello said that Venezuelan authorities have seized more than 500 weapons to date. photo: Latest News Venezuela
The Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, offered more details this Thursday about terrorist plans against the country, organized by the U.S. Government through the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), with the participation of the National Intelligence Center (CNI) of Spain. (more…)
October 16, 2024
Nearly a hundred faculties of public universities are paralyzed and taken over by students and non-teaching staff in protest against Javier Milei’s veto of the university funding law.
The national general secretary of the Student Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (CeFyL-UBA), Luca Bonfante, has confirmed that in over one hundred public universities students are carrying out some ongoing protest measure. (more…)
By Frei Betto on October 16, 2024
image: Rebelion
I am not referring here to the celebrated film (1991) directed by Jonathan Demme and starring Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins. I am referring to all of us who, endowed with a critical conscience, do not know how to act in the face of the vertiginous rise of right-wing politics, (more…)