Brazil Warns of Neo-Fascism Upsurge and Holds Elon Musk Responsible

By Alejandra Garcia on April 10,2024

Elon Musk, photo Angelo Carconi, EFE

Brazil’s President Luis Inacio Lula Da Silva on Wednesday warned about a reality that is no longer a secret: neoliberalism is aggravating the inequality that plagues democracies and among the rubble extreme right-wing adventurers are arising who deny politics. Brazil is no stranger to this phenomenon, encouraged especially during the government of the nefarious Jair Bolsonaro, and it is “urgent to break the dissonance between the voice of the markets and the voice of the streets”. (more…)

Latin America Condemns Assault on Mexican Embassy in Ecuador

By Alejandra Garcia and Bill Hackwell on April 7, 2024

Ecuadorian police unit prepare to assault the Mexican Embassy in Quito

This Friday, the world witnessed a historic event in Latin America. Ecuadorian police officers stormed the Mexican embassy in Quito in search of Jorge Glas, former vice president of Ecuador during the administration of Rafael Correa (2007-2017). Hours before this violation of international law was committed, (more…)

Cuba Demands Peace for Palestine through Community Art

By Alejandra Garcia on March 31, 2024 from Havana

photo: Jose Manual Correa

This Saturday, Cuba remembered the Palestinian Land Day and rejected in a heartfelt way the hatred and desire for extermination poured on the Gaza Strip. During this day of solidarity with the victims of Israel’s war that seems to have no end in sight, a group of Cuban visual artists came together to create a mural for all to see, at Paseo Avenue and 21st Street, in the Vedado neighborhood of Havana. (more…)

Cuba: President Diaz-Canel Addresses the Needs of the Population through a New Communication Channel

By Alejandra Garcia on March 25, 2024 from Havana

Arlene Rodriguez moderates the first Desde la Presidencia

 The Cuban people are not alone. When on March 17, citizens from some areas of Santiago de Cuba took to the streets against the long hours of blackouts and the lack of food in the country, President Miguel Diaz-Canel spoke before the national cameras and assured that their demands, are being heard. (more…)

Paraguay Peasant Movements Demands Access to Land, Production and Justice

By Alejandra Garcia on March 24, 2024

This week, a new march of indigenous and peasant movements went out from the plains to the cities to condemn the abuses of the government and call for the defense of democracy and food sovereignty. Under heavy rain and with indigenous people and women at the forefront, on March 20 and 21, thousands of compatriots carried out the traditional and thirtieth demonstration of the Peasant, Indigenous and Popular March, with the slogan “For land and production, against all injustices”. (more…)

What Do Cubans Really Need?

By Alejandra Garcia on March 19, 2024 from Havana

My Country, Better Without the Blockade. Photo: Bill Hackwell

This past Sunday, a group of Cubans took to the streets of Santiago de Cuba, in the east of the island, to show their dissatisfaction with the economic situation in the country. In recent weeks, fuel shortages have caused long hours of scheduled blackouts, especially in that city, which, along with food shortages and salaries strongly affected by inflation, have turned the daily life of Cubans into an odyssey of frustration. (more…)

Zero Tolerance Against Corruption in Cuba

By Alejandra Garcia on March 10, 2024 from Havana

photo: Bill Hackwell

The ousted Cuban Economy Minister, Alejandro Gil Fernandez, is under investigation by the island’s Interior Ministry for making serious mistakes in his previous position. In a statement issued on Friday, Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel said that, from now on, authorities will initiate corresponding actions for total clarification of these behaviors. The president assured that there would be zero tolerance for corruption on the island. (more…)

Venezuela Begins to Prepare for Presidential Elections

By Alejandra Garcia on March 7, 2024

Chavez – the heart of my country. Photo: Bill Hackwell

Venezuela is beginning the presidential election race as the country marks the passing of Comandante Hugo Chavez. The Venezuelan National Electoral Council issued the announcement on Tuesday, March 5, exactly 11 years after the Venezuelan leader’s death after losing his battle with cancer. (more…)

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