A Referendum in Cuba on the Code of Affections

By Rosa Miriam Elizalde on August 4, 2022 from Havana

photo: Bill Hackwell

The Code of Families in Cuba goes to referendum next September 25, after months of popular debate. In view of the solid arguments in its favor, little has been said against it that can be legally analyzed: religious dogmas (which should be exclusive to those who practice such beliefs and not imposed on a non-confessional society), prejudices, ignorance or simply outright falsehoods. (more…)

Systemic Watergate

By Rosa Miriam Elizalde on July 21, 2022

Nixon and the Watergate scandal, image: RT

Watergate is systemic. A practice, an institutional manifestation of the American political structure. The famous scandal did not even begin in 1972, 50 years ago, (more…)

Cuba: One Year after 7/11

By Rosa Miriam Elizalde on July 7, 2022

protesting Meta-Facebook

On July 11, it will be one year since the riots in Cuba that made headlines around the world. Anger flared then with the explosive mix of pandemic effects, Donald Trump’s suffocating sanctions that Joe Biden kept intact in the midst of a global health emergency, the accumulated social problems, the economic crisis, the inclement temperatures in the island summer. The systemic and prolonged attack on the daily life of Cubans paid off and the 48 hours in which acts of vandalism were carried out in several cities of the country generated rivers of ink and the prognosis that the revolution would collapse, sooner rather than later. (more…)

A Matter of Size

By Rosa Miriam Elizalde on June 25, 2022

State Department spokesman Ned Price, photo: Ron Przysucha

It’s a matter of size, but it depends on the yardstick with which you measure it. In a press conference at the State Department last week, spokesman Ned Price went on a grand peroration against large states bullying small ones and preventing them from “exercising their sovereignty, (more…)

Cuba: The Heroes of the Saratoga

By Rosa Miriam Elizalde on May 12, 2022

photo: Bill Hackwell

First, the explosion. The six-story building vibrated, then some cables jumped, with the force of a whiplash. Then, more than half of the façade collapsed without giving time, without announcing anything, each piece of floor swallowing the one above, (more…)

Stirring Tribute from Cuba to Alicia Jrapko

By Enrique Milanés León on April 30, 2022

Gerardo Hernandez, Bill Hackwell and Graciela Ramirez inaugurate tribute to Alicia Jrapko Photo: Yaimi Ravelo

“The Felix Elmusa award shone brighter on her chest and she honored them more than the medal honored her,” said Tubal Paez, former president of the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC) at yesterday’s tribute to the Argentine sister’s life at the Casa de la Prensa. (more…)

Between Cynicism and Revenge

By Rosa Miriam Elizalde on March 6, 2022

photo: Sputnik

Nothing is more frightening than to see U.S. officials discussing international law and war crimes. Live and on air, Harris Faulkner, host of Fox News, has told Condoleezza Rice that “when you invade a sovereign nation, that is a war crime”. The former head of U.S. diplomacy, one of the architects of the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, not only nodded in agreement, but responded, “It certainly goes against every principle of international law and international order.” (more…)

The Ugly Truth of Facebook

By Rosa Miriam Elizalde on January 6, 2022

No one doubts that Mark Zuckerberg is making great efforts to reinvent his monopoly. Besieged for years for speculating with Facebook users’ data, (more…)

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