September 11, 2024
Pensioners fight police as Congress capitulates to Milei on pension reform, photo:Federico López Claro
On Wednesday, the Chamber of Deputies ratified President Javier Milei’s veto of the retirement mobility law that improve the retirement pensions of passive workers (by 8.1%), preventing the amount received from being less than the Basic Basket of Benefits. (more…)
By Daniela Cabrera Monzón on September 12, 2024
Cuban foreign minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, explaining the impact of the US blockade. photo: Marcelino Vázquez Hernández/Cubadebate
Cuba today presented an updated report on the damages caused by the longest and most extensive blockade in world history. (more…)
By Rosa Miriam Elizalde on September 12, 2024 from Caracas
1,200 delegates at the antifascist congress in Caracas. photo: Carlos Aznares
Personally I prefer the category coined by the Italian historian Steven Forti, who calls “extreme right 2.0” what is sometimes loosely called “fascism” or “neo-fascism”. In the ideological field, it is clear that we are talking about groups that take advantage of the cracks of citizen discontent, the support of the old right wing and the shortcomings of the left wing. (more…)
By Victoria Torres on September 11, 2024
US mercenary and war entrepreneur Erick Prince. Photo: RedRadioVE
Erik Prince is a US mercenary and the founder of the US private military contractor Blackwater, which is known for committing war crimes. He is a prominent supporter of the United States presidential candidate Donald Trump. And he is currently promoting a plan to deploy a private army in Venezuelan territory with the intention of attacking the re-elected president, Nicolás Maduro. (more…)
By Alejandra Garcia on September 10, 2024
Peruvian Fishers on the contaminated shore at Pasamayo. Unable to fish and lacking compensation. Photo: Leslie Moreno Custodio / Diálogo Chino.
The panorama of large portions of the Peruvian coastline is desolate. What used to be rich fishing regions and the livelihood of dozens of indigenous communities and citizens in the country, is today a scene of death since the spill of more than 11 thousand barrels of oil at the maritime terminal La Pampilla, of the Spanish oil company Repsol, two years later. (more…)
September 10, 2024
Photo: La Via Campesina
On this International Day of Action Against the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Free Trade Agreements (FTA), organizations of La Via Campesina in Canada and the United States – Family Farm Defenders, Farmworker Association of Florida, National Family Farm Coalition, National Farmers Union of Canada, and Union Paysanne- recommit ourselves to the struggle for food sovereignty here in North America and globally, in solidarity with our movement allies. (more…)
September 8, 2024
graphic: Vicman, Venezuela News
Yesterday, in the evening hours, the executive vice-president of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, informed that Edmundo González, former opposition presidential candidate, left the country for the Kingdom of Spain after a personal and voluntary request for political asylum. (more…)
September 8, 2024, Santiago de Chile
Impunity Never! photo: Prensa Latina
Thousands of Chileans marched on Sunday to pay homage to the victims of Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship, on the 51st anniversary of the coup d’état against the Popular Unity Government of former President Salvador Allende. (more…)