The Caribbean Community Meeting: Its Hopes and Contradictions

By Alejandra Garcia and Bill Hackwell on February 29, 2024

46th meeting of CARICOM in Georgetown Guyana

Latin America and the Caribbean is the most unequal region in the world. Access to healthy food is almost a luxury, droughts and migration are persistent trends, and climate change and rising sea levels threaten to swallow up large portions of land in the near future. (more…)

Cuba Stands Up for Palestine in The Hague

By Alejandra Garcia on February 25, 2024 from Havana

Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Anayansi Rodriguez defending Palestine in the Hague

This week, Cuba once again raised its voice for Palestine, this time from The Hague, in the Netherlands, where the International Court of Justice is holding hearings on the genocide taking place in Gaza. Over 30,000 people make up the list of victims of the Israeli operation in Gaza since October 7, 2023, most of them children and women, and all this has happened before the gaze of the international community, which is just beginning to awaken from its lethargy, and seeks to put a stop to Israel’s brutality. (more…)

Why the World Needs Julian Assange’s Freedom

By Alejandra Garcia on February 20, 2024

Stella Assange calling for her husband’s freedom outside the High Court in London. photo: EPA

Australian journalist Julian Assange is living a decisive week in the United Kingdom as legal efforts are being exhausted to avoid his extradition to the United States, where he could face life imprisonment. The health of the Wikileaks founder, responsible for publishing war crimes perpetuated by Washington in Iraq and Afghanistan, has deteriorated to the extreme. (more…)

Havana’s International Book Fair Kicks Off in Cuba

By Alejandra Garcia on February 15, 2024 from Havana

Today, the 32nd Havana International Book Fair, the island’s biggest festival and the most attended event in Cuba, opened its doors, attracting the gaze of literature lovers from the country and the world. From February 15 to 25, 2024, this Wonder City will welcome domestic and international readers, authors, publishers, librarians, and celebrities who seek to experience the unique identity of this fair, which has no comparison with events of this kind in other latitudes. (more…)

El Salvador: Bukele Reelected Despite Irregularities and Violations to Democracy

By Alejandra Garcia on February 6, 2024

Bukele’s re election celebration

This Sunday, candidate for re-election Nayib Bukele proclaimed himself president of El Salvador with just 30 percent of the votes counted. “This has been an overwhelming victory, in which we have received more than 85% of the votes,” said the president, 42, amid claims of irregularities, violations of democracy, and problems with the vote count. (more…)

What 62 Years of the Blockade of Cuba Feels Like

By Alejandra Garcia on February 4, 2024 from Havana

photo: Bill Hackwell

The blockade against Cuba is real. It is palpable in the kilometer-long lines of cars that take hours or days in front of the gas stations nationwide, and in the lack of medicines in the national network of pharmacies,  the shortage of medical supplies in hospitals, and the obstacles the country faces to purchase food on the international market. (more…)

Cuban People Will Debate Measures to Boost the Economy

By Alejandra Garcia in Havana on January 30, 2024

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel,  photo: Bill Hackwell

Cuba needs development, even if it seems impossible amid increasingly adverse international conditions. And it needs to develop without trampling on the most vulnerable but also in being consistent with the world around us which is unstable, marked by inflation, and the exponential increase in essential goods. All of this in world of escalating tensions. (more…)

US Criminal Plans against Venezuela Fail Again

By Alejandra Garcia on January 25, 2024

Bolivarian National Armed Forces, photo: Bill Hackwell

The destabilization, invasions, coups, and assassinations in those Latin American countries that are inconvenient for the US hegemony have a common instigator: the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The Agency’s interventions in Latin America in the past decades are well known. But what has happened in recent days? (more…)

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