Venezuela: Defending Maduro’s Victory is to Oppose Fascism

By Carlos Aznárez, Resumen Latinoamericano, August 1, 2024

“Let them show the records!” has become the buzzword to refer to Venezuela and its recent electoral process. Nothing less could be expected from those who are the supporters, on the right and “left” of a bourgeois-democratic system for which the Bolivarian Revolution has become, for the last 35 years, an enemy to be destroyed. (more…)

Collapsing Empire: The Day Sanctions Died

By Kit Klarenberg on July 31, 2024

illustration: Zeinab El-Hajj

By sanctioning so many countries so readily, the Empire has in effect sanctioned itself – and convinced an ever-increasing number of countries to seek alternative economic and financial structures. (more…)


By Rosa Miriam Elizalde on August 1, 2024

…or take the red pill of the rebel. photo: Bill Hackwell

HyperNormalisation (2016), a cult documentary by British filmmaker Adam Curtis, argues that governments, financiers and technological utopians have given up trying to model the complex “real world” and, instead, have established a simplified “fake world” for the benefit of corporations that thus manage to maintain the stability of neoliberal governments, until one day the bubble bursts, as happened with Lehman Brothers. (more…)

Cuba, the Island of Olympic Champions

By Salim Lamrani on July 30, 2024

Cuban athletes at the opening of the 2024 Olympics in Paris

Since the advent of the Revolution in 1959, Cuba has made the development of sport a national priority, becoming a world reference.  (more…)

Venezuela: Why Believe a Coup-plotting Opposition?

July 30, 2024

The Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity rejects the Coup attempts being made and supports peace and the popular will in Venezuela. (more…)

Venezuelans Re-elect Maduro and US Backed Opposition Cries Foul

By Roger Harris on July 29, 2024, from Caracas

Shortly before midnight, the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Elvis Amoroso, announced the re-election of Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro. Like the proverbial boy who cried wolf, the US-backed and funded opposition cried fraud. (more…)

Paris Olympics: Julio Cesar La Cruz Lost, but Cuba still Won!

By Joel Garcia on July 29, 2024

The first reaction was as expected. He believed he was the winner, no matter how close the vote would be. That’s why he put his hand on his face, covered his eyes and there was astonishment. But our boxer Julio Cesar La Cruz quickly let out a breath, sighed in pain and hugged Loren Berto Alfonso, who only wore the red T-shirt, because he is from Pinar del Rio, Cuban, (more…)

National Lawyers Guild Electoral Observers Praise Venezuelan Election Process

July 29, 2024

Press Release: National Lawyers Guild electoral observers praise fairness, transparency of Venezuelan election process; condemn the U.S. backed opposition’s refusal to accept the outcome of democratic election. (more…)

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