July 29, 2024
Press Release: National Lawyers Guild electoral observers praise fairness, transparency of Venezuelan election process; condemn the U.S. backed opposition’s refusal to accept the outcome of democratic election. (more…)
By Resumen Latinoamericano on July 29, 2024, photos: Yaimi Ravelo
Nicolás Maduro is the legitimate continuator of Chávez’s legacy and defender of Venezuelan sovereignty in the face of imperialist conspiracies. (more…)
By Jorge Auat on July 27, 2024
Nunca Mas!, Never Again!
The scenario that, strictly speaking, has always haunted the Human Rights policy built in Argentina and admired around the world, has started to be agitated these days. The intention of this attack has a slogan: oblivion, and this objective has a marginal gain: the impunity of the genocides. But the most serious thing is what comes before, “oblivion”, because what is at stake is the second death of the victim – the one Benjamin talks about – which consists of turning the page, as if nothing had happened. (more…)
July 28, 2024
Martha Lucia Ramírez and Vicente Fox.
For the right-wing across Latin America and the Caribbean, the Venezuelan elections appear to be an existential threat. Ahead of the July 28 presidential elections, numerous political figures, former elected officials, and sitting authorities from conservative sectors of Latin American politics have united to condemn the ongoing electoral process underway in Venezuela (more…)
By Syara Salado Massip and Victor Villalba Gutiérrez on July 26, 2024 / Resumen Latinoamericano
photo: Victor Villalba Gutiérrez
The province of Sancti Spíritus, located in central Cuba, hosted the ceremony marking the 71st anniversary of the attack on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks. (more…)
By Carlos Aznárez with photos by Yaimi Ravelo on July 26, 2024, from Caracas / Resumen Latinoamericano
The mere announcement of the appearance of the “gallo pinto” Nicolás Maduro on the gigantic stage installed on Bolívar Avenue, made the crowd that overflowed the length and breadth of that popular Caracas artery, and all the surrounding avenues and streets, tremble with joy.
Por Bill Hackwell el 24 de Julio 2024 desde Washington, DC
fotos: Bill Hackwell
A pesar de enfrentarse a múltiples cuerpos de policía, llegados desde lugares tan lejanos como Nueva York, y a un Capitolio rodeado de pesadas vallas metálicas para proteger a un criminal de guerra, decenas de miles de decididos partidarios del pueblo palestino, procedentes de todo Estados Unidos, acudieron para decir no a la visita del genocida presidente israelí Benjamin Netanyahu, que estaba siendo recibido con los brazos abiertos por los especuladores de la guerra y la gran mayoría de los representantes demócratas y republicanos en el Congreso. (more…)
By Marina Menéndez Quintero on July 25, 2024
THINKING about the post-electoral scenario in Venezuela makes one fear moments of tension already latent and announced by a war of polls rarely seen in that country since the arrival of the Bolivarian process, and preceded by the reluctance of the right-wing Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) to assume the commitment to respect what the National Electoral Council (CNE) issues on Sunday night, voting day. (more…)