“Gathering, Loving, Living in the Passion of Truth”

By Abel Prieto Jimenez on July 6, 2024

Abel Prieto; To Live in the Passion of the Truth

1- The ethical crisis

We live in dark times. Irrationalism is flourishing. Hate groups, racism, xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia and rejection of the “other” are growing. Far-right movements are being articulated in Europe, in the United States, even in Our America. Before the eyes of the world, very serious crimes against humanity are committed and those responsible are protected under a cloak of impunity. (more…)

Venezuela Independence Day: The Baton of Command Will Never Fall into Hands of Traitors

By Carlos Eduardo Sanchez on July 5, 2024

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro alongside his wife, Deputy Cilia Flores, and the military high command at the Independence Day military parade in Paseo Caracas, photo: Presidential Press.

Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro swore that the baton of command that accredits him as Commander in Chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) will remain in good hands in the years to come and “will never fall into the hands of an oligarch, a puppet, or a traitor!” (more…)

Mexico: Claudia Sheinbaum, the First Woman President

By Victor Iván Gutiérrez on July 5, 2024

Claudia Sheinbaum’s victory comes with popular support of the Mexican people. photo: Bill Hackwell

Claudia Sheinbaum’s resounding electoral victory on June 2 signified the majority support of the people of Mexico for the political project of the Fourth Transformation, which has been involved since 2018 in a dispute, in the face of various factors of power, to make the Mexican State the instrument of economic development, the defense of national sovereignty and the construction of a post-neoliberal regime. (more…)

China Responds to Wall Street Journal Publication Slandering its Relationship with Cuba

July 3, 2024

China Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Mao Ming

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ming told a press conference in Beijing on Wednesday that China will not allow third parties to slander her country’s relations with Cuba. (more…)

Se deniega la libertad condicional al preso político estadounidense Leonard Peltier

Resumen Latinoamericano -Estados Unidos, 3 de julio de 2024

Los partidarios de Peltier se manifiestan frente al Edificio Federal en Rapid City, SD, el 27 de junio. foto: Angel White Eyes, NDN Collective.

El preso político Leonard Peltier (Turtle Mountain Ojibwe), miembro del Movimiento Indio Americano (AIM), que es el preso político indígena que lleva más tiempo encarcelado en EE.UU., vio denegada su libertad condicional el martes por la falsa Comisión de Libertad Condicional estadounidense. UU que tiene la mayor población encarcelada per cápita del mundo con esa población envejecida y enferma como es el caso de Leonard.

A Homeland Called Marta Valdés

By Rosa Miriam Elizalde on July 4, 2024 from Havana

Marta Valdés in concert 2014. photo: Irene Pérez/ Cubadebate.

Since her first song, Palabras ( 1955), interpreted by some of the most talented voices in Latin American music, from Bola de Nieve to Elena Burke, Miriam Ramos and Martirio, as well as dozens of other great boleristas, Marta stood out for her ability to connect with people’s most intimate feelings. (more…)

Multipolarity and America

By Carlos L. Garrido on July 4, 2024

image: Al Mayadeen

America’s incorporation into this bright new future can only be, as was our revolution in 1776, a product of a deep struggle against the old, decaying world of our oligarchs and political class. (more…)

Venezuela VP Delcy Rodríguez Injured while Assessing Damage from Hurricane Beryl

July 3, 2024

Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez

Venezuela’s Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, suffered minor injuries in an accident on Tuesday afternoon, while she was deployed to Cumanacoa, Sucre state, attending to families affected by hurricane Beryl. President Nicolás Maduro announced the news, highlighting that Rodríguez was working with the community when the incident occurred. (more…)

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