The Cuban Revolution Through the Eyes of the Women of My Life

By Alejandra Garcia on December 12, 2023 from Havana

photo: Bill Hackwell

This January 1st Cuba will celebrate 65 years since the triumph of the Revolution of 1959 led by Fidel and a group of valuable men and women, for whom the gratitude of the Cuban people remains intact. Today, Resumen Latinoamericano honors that victory through three women whose lives, although they lived in different historical periods, have the Revolution as a common thread. They are my great-grandmother, my grandmother, and my mother. (more…)

Cuba Visits Iran and Qatar with a Message of Peace for the Middle East

By Alejandra Garcia on December 5, 2023

Iran and Cuba signed seven cooperation instruments that strengthen relations in the economic, health and scientific-technical areas, photo: Alejandro Azcuy

Cuba does not remain indifferent to the escalation of violence in the Middle East, a region suffering the direct consequences of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In every scenario, the government of the Caribbean island loudly expresses its support for the Palestinian people and rejects the Zionist regime’s ongoing massacre in Gaza. (more…)

Cuba’s Voice to Be Heard at UN Climate Conference COP28

By Alejandra Garcia on November 30, 2023

Today world leaders will discuss climate change at COP28, this year’s UN world conference, where the voice of Cuba and the world’s most vulnerable peoples, represented in Group 77 plus China, will be present. (more…)

Cuba Is Not Indifferent to the Massacre in Gaza

By Alejandra Garcia on November 19, 2023 from Havana

President Diaz Canel receives a keffiyeh from a Palestinian medical student.

In little more than a month, 12,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel, including 5,000 children, before the passive gaze of the governments of the world. It is the people of these countries who are protesting in large numbers for an end to the conflict that is leaving Palestine in ruins, in almost non-existent living conditions. (more…)

Cuba’s Human Rights Achievements are Highlighted in Geneva

By Alejandra Garcia on November 16, 2023

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez

This week, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla presented at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva for the fourth time the nation’s report on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a mechanism that evaluates member countries in the field of human rights. (more…)

For the Sake of Democracy, Argentines Urge Others Not to Vote for Milei

By Alejandra Garcia on November 12, 2023

Javier Milei

Argentina is in the countdown to its presidential elections next Sunday, a position debated between the Peronist Sergio Massa and the ultra-right-wing Javier Milei. In this critical contest the country is living in hours of uncertainty as polls show minimal differences between the candidates. (more…)

APEP Summit Highlights President Biden’s Double Standards

By Alejandra Garcia and Bill Hackwell on November 7, 2023

Biden hosts APEP conference at the White House

Last Friday, Washington hosted the inaugural summit of the US-convened Alliance for Economic Prosperity in the Americas (APEP) to strengthen economic ties to address challenges such as migration, the Israeli-Palestinian war, and expanding trade between the US and the rest of the Americas. (more…)

Once again the Great Majority of Nations of the World Stand with Cuba Calling for an End to the Blockade

By Alejandra Garcia on November 2, 2023 from Havana

Today, as it happens in the beginning of November every year, the resolution presented by Cuba to call for the end of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States was overwhelmingly approved Thursday by the General Assembly with 187 votes in favor. (more…)

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