Havana through the Eyes of Its Travelers

By Alejandra Garcia on September 22, 2023 from Havana

photo: Bill Hackwell

In a burst of nostalgia, the Czech poet Rainer Maria Rilke said that a man’s true homeland can be found in his childhood, in those first memories linked to smells, tastes, and landscapes, where pain does not exist. But Havana proves otherwise. Even if the childhood of those who travel through the city is not tied to its streets, it is impossible for them not to feel it as their own. (more…)

What to Expect from the G77 + China Summit in Cuba

By Alejandra Garcia on September 14, 2023 from Havana

Havana, photo: Bill Hackwell

Tomorrow the G77+China Summit will kick off in Havana, Cuba, with the attendance of heads of state and government from more than 100 nations. It will be an “austere” summit, as the island’s Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez recently described. But it will have a high presence of Cuban culture and broad participation of the Cuban people, who have also contributed to its preparation. (more…)

Chile: The Indelible Legacy of Victor Jara

By Alejandra Garcia on September 10, 2023

“The blood of our comrade President

hits harder than bombs and shrapnel.

Thus, it will strike our fists again.”

-Victor Jara (more…)

Cuban Children Return to the Classroom, Happy and Eager for another School Year

By Alejandra Garcia on September 5, 2023 from Havana

photo: Victor Villalba Gutiérrez

Cuba has dawned beautifully these past two days the weather was good and more than one million children of all ages have returned to the classroom. With the first light of day, they can be seen walking down the avenues on their way to school, many hand in hand with their parents or grandparents, and in a feast of white, red, yellow, and blue, all colors of their uniforms. (more…)

Cuba’s Revolutionary Defense Committees That Unite Us

By Alejandra Garcia on August 31, 2023 from Havana

‘with guard up’ photo: Bill Hackwell

During the upcoming weeks, all of Cuba will be involved in the preparations for the X Congress of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), the largest mass organization in the country, with activities that seek to create a social impact in the island’s communities. (more…)

BRICS and G77+China: A Historic Transformational Opportunity

By Alejandra Garcia on August 24, 2023 

world leaders attending the BRICS Summit in South Africa. photo: Alejandro Azcuy

The BRICS group, an alliance of leading emerging economies formed by Brazil, Russia, India, and China in June 2009 with South Africa coming on board in 2010, concluded its first face-to-face meeting on Thursday after three years of impasse due to the health crisis caused by COVID-19. From August 22-24, Johannesburg, South Africa, was the scene of key discussions in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape. (more…)

Ecuador and Guatemala Go to the Polls under a Shadow of Violence and Political Uncertainty

By Alejandra Garcia and Bill Hackwell on August 20, 2023

Ecuador’s Luisa Gonzalez top vote – getter in today’s election

 Today 2 important elections took place in Latin America with the general elections in Ecuador and the presidential runoff in Guatemala. Two countries with no common border, but shared problems and inhabitants longing for solutions. Today they are defining their political future after a whirlwind of corruption, accusations, and an entrenched violence. (more…)

Cuba Remembers Fidel

By Alejandra Garcia on August 13, 2023 from Havana

Fidel Castro Center, photo: Bill Hackwell

On August 13, Cuba honors Fidel. Newspapers, TV, and radio stations feature his enormous life that is synonymous with our freedom . Cuba remembers the birthday of the man who led a Revolution “bigger than ourselves,” who in his 20 years took up arms, along with a small group of other brave men, to change the fate of a country in favor of the most oppressed. (more…)

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