Obama Encourages Coup Against Venezuela’s Legitimate Government

March 16, 2016

Venezuelans protesting against imperial intervention in their country, photo: Bill Hackwell

Venezuelans protesting against imperial intervention in their country, photo: Bill Hackwell

United States President Barack Obama has openly expressed support for putschist plan being developed by right-wing parties against national president Nicolas Maduro, by declaring Monday that the Venezuelan people should elect a government they consider “legitimate”.

Obama’s statement came just a few days after his decision to extend the interfering decree qualifying the Bolivarian nation a threat to the security of his country, an argument that has historically been used by the US to justify interventions against sovereign nations.

In Monday’s interview with CNN and reviewed by EFE, Obama championed the US position of interference, this time justified by the economic situation of the country, experiencing a 75% fall in oil prices –the main national income– and affected by an economic war that attacks the currency and manipulates the production and distribution of commodities, manufactured mostly by the private sector.

Obama said that the economic situation “is directly connected with the challenges of governance”, joining the discourse of opposition parties that in a new escalation insist that the economic situation, that they induce, is the sole responsibility of Maduro.

With these statements, Obama becomes part of the putschist plan that opposition openly promotes as its main agenda topic at the National Assembly –legislative institution that has been used to torpedo the actions taken by President Nicolas Maduro to overcome the emergency economic situation.


Source: Venezuela News Agency