Venezuela: A Lie Cannot Last Forever

By Gustavo A. Maranges on December 9, 2021 from Havana

A few days ago, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) approved the credentials of President Nicolas Maduro’s representatives to the international organization. Only 16 countries opposed the resolution, which means the lowest negative support since 2019. The resolution was submitted by the Ambassador of Sweden Anne Enestrom, who is the President of the United Nations Credentials Commission.

According to Venezuela’s Ambassador to the UN Samuel Moncada, the recent voting was a victory for the international community and the International Law, which was heavily undermined during Trump’s presidency.

The UN has faced furious pressure from the United States to withdraw the credentials of the Venezuelan delegation since Trump’s administration decided to do it in 2019. This diplomatic sabotage limited the movement of the legitimate Venezuelan diplomats to only 25 miles around the UN headquarters, also known as the “Columbus Circle.” It meant that the delegation lost one out of the three requirements needed to represent a State in the UN since neither the General Secretariat nor the General Assembly ever agreed with it, despite constant blackmailing of many countries.

After the 2018 presidential elections in Venezuela, where Nicolas Maduro won the presidency, the right-wing sectors did not recognize their defeat. The then President of the National Assembly Juan Guaido proclaimed himself as Interim President, and over 50 nations recognized him as the legitimate president of the country. This act was a direct attack on the right of self-determination of the Venezuelan people, who freely elected their president.

Despite the communicational and economic implications this action had, it was the perfect opportunity for some countries to play a shameful role. That is the particular case of some European countries, which recognized Guaido’s fake ambassadors. But at the end of the day, they had to sit face to face with Maduro’s diplomat to discuss points of the bilateral agenda. This kind of charade only showed that Guaido’s presidency was nothing but a joke, which this low life character has won over $121 million, which were directly stolen from the Venezuelan people’s money.

This act was part of the destabilization campaign run by the United States government against Venezuela. The plan was clear, empower an opposition figure, endorse him with the necessary international support in order to ease the path for an already-planned humanitarian intervention. It was too much burden for Guaido’s fragile internal support, and the process ended up failing after Maduro’s government and the Venezuelan people spoke out loud in defense of their sovereignty.

The recent voting in the UNGA shows the decline of the continental right’s plan to take Maduro out of power. However, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, El Salvador, United States, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, United Kingdom, Paraguay, Marshall Islands, South Korea, and Colombia stated that they will not recognize the legitimate government of Maduro regardless of the resolution was passed. Curiously, all those governments say they support the will of the Venezuelan people, but still ignore its voice when they support the Bolivarian government as they did in the last elections on November 21st. However, after a glance at those who rule these countries (except for Honduras, whose newly elected president will change this position for sure), we realize they are only following instructions from Washington, just as the Organization of the American States (OAS) does.

The OAS keeps fully submissive to US desires, especially at this point of the agenda. Even when the world has jumped over the US diplomatic sabotage, the OAS keeps giving room to a fake and illegitimate diplomatic representation. This kind of attitude has only undermined its reputation and confirms its incapacity to solve the regional problems in the current international contexts.

As I mentioned before, when talking about the so called Summit for Democracy, the US power in the region is going through a crisis, and its aggressive behavior towards the main pillars of the continental left is a clear signal of it. The campaign against Venezuela is losing its light layer of the pro-human-rights campaign, and the world is now again conscious that it is just a US-backed plan to keep a thorn in the side of Venezuela. But lies cannot last forever!

Source: Resumen Latinoamericano – English