Rosa María Payá: The Traveling Puppet of the United States

By Arthur Gonzalez on April 23, 2024

María Payá photo: EFE

We have lost count of the number of international trips made by Rosa María Payá Acevedo, since she obtained a political refugee visa for the United States, shortly after the death of her father, Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas, in a car accident in 2012, when he was traveling in a car driven at excessive speed by the Spaniard Ángel Carromero, a member of the youth of the Spanish Popular Party. The reason for the trip through the eastern Cuban provinces was to distribute 4,500 dollars sent by Esperanza Aguirre, of the Popular Party, destined to create political groups against the Cuban government, in total interference in Cuban affairs.

Days later, Rosa Maria contacted U.S. diplomats in Havana and agreed to fabricate a false version of her father’s death in order to accuse the Revolution; in exchange she would be granted a visa as a political refugee for her, her mother and two brothers.

Upon her arrival in Miami, she was taken to Congresswomen Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Mario Diaz-Balart and Senator Marco Rubio, who had already prepared the strategy to use the young woman and turn her into a traveling puppet, with the image of a “youth leader” against the Revolution.

With the financial support of the Yankee government and the orientations of the State Department, she has been received by high Latin American and European officials, something unusual if it were not for the pressures of the United States.

The script elaborated by specialists in psychological warfare of the Yankee State Department, that she learned quickly and recites the false story of accusing the Cuban government of being responsible for her father’s car accident, a fact not accepted by the Spanish authorities, since the ambassador and the general consul witnessed the trial against the responsible Ángel Carromero and expressed that the evidence presented by the Cuban prosecutor’s office was correct.

For that reason, when he traveled to Madrid with his mother to develop the script against Cuba, the Spanish Foreign Ministry did not accept his accusation and referred it to the courts, where he received as an answer that he had no proof of what he was saying and they dismissed his complaint.

Nevertheless, the Yankees with their powerful propaganda machine, insist on accusing Cuba to tarnish its image and as payment for their obedience, on June 13, 2019, Rosa Maria received in Geneva the Morris Abram Human Rights Award, the highest human rights distinction of United Nations Watch. On June 18, 2019 Esteban Bovo, Commissioner of Miami, presented her with a recognition for being “a defender of freedom, democracy and universal human rights and being the voice for the people of Cuba who seek freedom”.

The Yankee machinery is in place to fabricate her as “a leader” against the Cuban government, and sadly she allowed herself to become an obedient puppet who sold her feelings for money, using her father’s death for profit.

Her most recent performance was on March 26, 2024, when the Yankees sent her to Geneva to speak at the UN Human Rights Council, where she read again what the State Department gave her, saying that “the constitution imposed by the Cuban government denies the people the right to live in democracy, and that is why she called for Cuba to be expelled from the organization”.

Apparently the traveling puppet is unaware of the high percentage of approval that, in 2019, Cubans gave at the polls to the fundamental law of the republic. Instead of campaigning against the Cuban constitution, she should campaign in the United States for the approval of a new constitution to replace the oldest one in the world, which, unbelievably, dates back to 1789.

In the libretto, she did not say a single word against the criminal economic, commercial and financial war that the United States has been waging against the Cuban people since 1959, in an attempt to make them surrender through hunger and disease, nor did she mention the 600 plans to assassinate Fidel Castro, financed and structured by the CIA. Nor did she speak of the thousands of Cubans killed by terrorist acts executed by agents in the service of the CIA, the biological warfare that Cubans have suffered, affecting the flora and fauna, as well as the diseases introduced by agents in the service of the United States, among them hemorrhagic dengue fever that infested 344,203 people and caused the death of 158 Cubans, 101 of them children; meningoencephalitis and hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, among many others.

Did she forget about African swine fever, sugar cane rust, bovine nodular pseudodermatosis, new castle, ulcerative myamylitis of the dairy cow, black sigatoka, black aphid, citrus leafminer, coffee berry borer, thorny thrips and the coffee thrips? coffee berry borer, thrips-palmi-karmy, rice grain sterility syndrome and tobacco blue mold, just to mention a few of the many that have affected Cuba’s crops and animals to ruin its economy?

If she is so concerned about the human rights of Cubans, she should demand that the officials who guide her to talk about it in Geneva stop their acts against the people of the island where she was born and studied at the University without paying a single cent.

These facts are not communist propaganda, it is enough to read a declassified document of a meeting held on September 6, 1962, in which Marshall Carter, Deputy Director General of the CIA, stated: “Biological agents disguised as substances of natural origin can be used to destroy crops in Cuba”.

Present were National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, Air Force General Edward Lansdale and Edward R. Murrow, a famous broadcast journalist who served at the time as director of the U.S. Information Agency.

It is not Cuba that invades other countries, drops atomic bombs, introduces plagues and diseases into the United States, let alone finances and delivers weapons to Israel to massacre the Palestinian people. Who should be expelled from the UN Human Rights Council is the United States for sponsoring international terrorism and financing crimes against humanity.

Rosa Maria has no morals or ethics to speak of human rights, when for money she supports the criminal acts of the Yankees against the people who saw her born and trained her as a professional, now turned into a sad puppet at the service of the execrable interests of the imperialists.

José Martí was right when he said: “Thieves of the altar are those merchants of opinion”.

Source: Razones de Cuba, translation Resumen Latinoamericano – English