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Mister Netanyahu Comes to Washington and will Receive a Warm Welcome

By Alfredo Garcia Almeida, edited by Ed Newman on June 18, 2024

Next week, on Wednesday, July 24th, Israeli Prime Minister and war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to visit Washington, DC, although he has not yet received a formal invitation. When the Israeli prime minister has traveled to Washington every year, he’s conveyed a message of closeness and intimacy, unlike the 4 years since his last visit to the White House, something that does not go unnoticed by friends and enemies. (more…)

Brazil’s MST: How Long Must We Wait for Change?

By João Pedro Stedile on July 18, 2024

Crimes and environmental tragedies are repeated in Brazil with increasing frequency. Droughts in the Amazon, floods in Maranhão and Recife, fires in the Pantanal, deforestation and lowering of the water table in the Cerrado, the water reserve of the three largest river basins in the country… (more…)

Mexico: Government to Hire 2,700 more Cuban Doctors to Fill Public Health Jobs

July 17, 2024

The federal government announced Tuesday that 2,700 Cuban medical specialists will come to Mexico to work, joining 950 Cuban doctors already in the country.

The conservative Mexico News Daily is the largest english language newspaper in Mexico and is no friend of AMLO. In this article, covering an important development, it repeats the lies of the US State Department that Cuban doctors are slave labor, even though they are all volunteers and paid the same as their Mexican colleagues. Primarily what comes through is the most important issue and that is this arrangement between Mexico and Cuba is a mutually beneficial project that helps the health and welfare of both countries and is an example of how the world should operate. – Editorial (more…)

 “The Solution to Political Violence in the U.S. is to Transfer Power to the People”

By Lucas Estanislao on July 16, 2024

Claudia De la Cruz, presidential candidate of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL).

For Claudia De la Cruz, the concern is that the attack on Trump’s rally will bring more repression to the left

Violence has always been at the heart of how the United States makes policy, whether internally or externally, from the massacres of original populations and minorities to the two-party system that favors economic power and alienates the people. (more…)

170 Years of U.S. Aggression against Nicaragua

By Rick Sterling on July 16, 2024

On July 19, Nicaraguans will be celebrating the 45th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution

When the Monroe Doctrine was declared, in 1823, it was aimed at European colonial powers. It told them to butt out: the US “sphere of influence” included all of Latin America and the Caribbean. During the past two centuries,virtually every Latin American and Caribbean country has had to endure US intervention and interference in their internal affairs. The coups, political manipulation and aggression directed by Washington have been relentless. (more…)

The Double-edged Sword of Guns and Politics

By Raul Antonio Capote on July 15, 2024 from Havana

image: Jorge

The US elections are almost at the final stretch and the machinery conceived to preserve the power of the 1% of the citizens of that country (the richest and most powerful), greased with billions of dollars, that shows its real gear. (more…)

Venezuelans to Vote on Continuing the Bolivarian Revolution: Runup to a High Stakes Election

By Roger D. Harris on July 15, 2024

Rally for Maduro in Carabobo on July 11

The future of Venezuela’s 25-year-old socialist movement will be decided in the upcoming July 28 election. Venezuelans will go to the polls knowing that a vote for incumbent President Nicolás Maduro means no relief from US unilateral coercive measures. (more…)

Venezuela: What the Mainstream Media Isn’t Saying About María Corina Machado

By Steve Ellner on July 10, 2024

María Corina Machado and presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia (AP/Ariana Cubillos)

With all the hype over María Corina Machado being the only real hope for Venezuela to overcome 25 years of autocratic rule, the mainstream media loses sight of several key factors surrounding the nation’s presidential elections slated for July 28. First, the U.S. has played a central role in favor of Machado’s candidacy and, once it was clear that the government of Nicolas Maduro would not allow her to run, Washington backed the notion that she had the right to choose who would represent the so-called united democratic opposition at the polls. (more…)

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