By Alina Ross Martin on May 9, 2023
The president of Cuba’s Casa de las Americas, Abel Prieto, criticized the misrepresentations launched by the West about the triumph of the Soviet Union over the German Nazi Army in World War II (1939-1945).
Hollywood and the whole machinery of cultural domination have made many people in the world believe that the United States was the victor over fascism in World War II, the Cuban writer wrote in his Twitter account. (more…)
By Álvaro García Linera on May 7 2023
There was a time when the International Monetary Fund’s “recommendations” on how to reorganize an economy were read, defended and executed as if they were a divine mandate. Those were the 90s of the last century, when every study of the course of the world economy or agreement reached with this or that country, (more…)
By Patrick Martin on May 5, 2023
The annual dinner of the White House Correspondents Association is an occasion for the media elite and top politicians in Washington to schmooze and declare their mutual solidarity. This is usually couched in the language of defense of the First Amendment, although that constitutional provision has been systematically trampled on by administration after administration in the interests of American imperialism. (more…)
By Geraldina Colotti on May 6, 2023
There is much confusion about the selling off of Citgo; this article clarifies how this new form of lawfare is an escalation of the empire’s economic war against revolutionary Venezuela . – editorial (more…)
By Roger D. Harris on May 5, 2023
Juan Guaidó continues to advocate punishing the Venezuelan people with US coercive economic measures. Recently shipped to Washington DC, the former “interim president” of Venezuela pleaded, “You can’t use a kind or soft approach,” such as easing the suffering, because it would “normalize dictatorship.” (more…)
By Berta Joubert-Ceci on May 6, 2023
This week the priorities of this government have been very clearly exposed: on the one hand, the unjustified arrest of three well-known leaders of the union and people’s struggle during the May 1st demonstrations; and on the other hand, the false charges against Mariana Nogales, a legislative representative who is well known for her fight for the environment, for LGBTPlus rights, and against government corruption. (more…)
Por Alejandra Garcia y Bill Hackwell el 5 de mayo de 2023 desde La Habana
Estaba muy oscuro a las 4:30 cuando salimos para encontrarnos con miles de personas que ya estaban tomando las calles al grito de ¡Viva Fidel!, ¡Viva Raúl! y ¡Viva Díaz Canel! Pasamos con determinación por la Plaza de la Revolución, giramos hacia La Rampa y bajamos hacia el Malecón. (more…)
By Alejandra Garcia and Bill Hackwell on May 5, 2023 from Havana
It was pitch dark at 4:30 as we started out to find that already thousands were taking over the streets chanting, Viva Fidel!, Viva Raul! and Viva Diaz Canel! Moving with purpose past the Plaza of the Revolution turning onto La Rampa and down towards the Malecon. (more…)