By Pasqualina Curcio on August 23, 2020
San Francisco, CA, Photo: Bill Hackwell
We have been invited, as humanity, to a “new normality”. The call is made to us by the United Nations System. (more…)
By Pasqualina Curcio on August 10, 2020
It’s encouraging to know that more than 160 research projects are competing rapidly to find a vaccine against (more…)
By Katiuska Blanco on August 10, 2020
We run this article in honor of Fidel on what would have been his 94th birthday. Just how revolutionary, profound and (more…)
By Madeleine Sautié on August 1, 2020
Photo: Ismael Francisco
Someday it had to be. We knew it and we also knew that you knew it, because you spoke of the sunset, the most (more…)
July 20, 2020
The Academy of Sciences of Cuba (ACC) is a member of the Inter-Academy Panel (IAP). In 2000, the IAP (more…)
By Elson Concepción Pérez on July 12, 2020
Naturally, the news came from Miami. It couldn’t be from anywhere else. The scam: Several former Latin American (more…)
On July 18 and 19, the “Concert for Cuba” will take place online, from an initiative of the Hot House of Chicago (more…)
Statement by Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of the Republic of Cuba, during Global Leaders Day of (more…)