Currently Browsing: Middle East

Campaign for the Elimination of Patents

By Pasqualina Curcio on June 28, 2021

A whole debate has been going on worldwide about the exemption of covid-19 vaccine patents. The director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom warned governments and pharmaceuticals that, “unless we eliminate the virus everywhere, we could end up back at square one.” (more…)

US Trying to Extradite Venezuelan Diplomat for the ‘Crime’ of Securing Food for the Hungry

By Roger D. Harris on May 21, 2021

Caracas protest against the arrest of Alex Saab.

The case of Alex Saab raises dangerous precedents in terms of extraterritorial judicial abuse, violation of diplomatic status, and even the use of torture to extract false confessions. This is according to Montréal-based international human rights lawyer John Philpot. He spoke on May 19 at a webinar sponsored by the Alliance for Global Justice and other groups about this example of the long reach of the US empire enforcing its deadly sanctions on some one third of humanity. (more…)

The Political Situation and the National Strike in Colombia

By Pedro Santana Rodríguez on May 20, 2021

The protests in Colombia have continued for 23 days in the midst of brutal repression that has resulted in more than 50 demonstrators killed, according to the non-governmental organization INDEPAZ (Instituto de Estudios Para el Desarrollo y La Paz / The Institute of Studies for Development and Peace), as of May 18, 2021. (more…)

Palestine: An Unprecedented Rebellion

By Ángel Guerra Cabrera on May 20, 2021

Photo: Bill Hackwell

The aggression and the attempts by extremist paramilitary units to take away Palestinian families’ houses in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem, and the Israeli occupation of the Al Aqsa Mosque right in the holy month of Ramadan – these were the last straws that finally brought Palestinian patience to an end and resulted in the extremely serious current actions against Gaza by Israel and the general repression of the Palestinians. (more…)

Gaza: US and the West Supports Israel’s Crimes against Humanity – Understanding the Never-Ending Conflict

By Peter Koenig on May 19, 2021

Photo: Bill Hackwell

Israel’s PM Netanyahu is a war criminal and should be held accountable for war crimes throughout his PM-ship of Israel, according to the 1945 / 1946 Nuremberg trials criteria. His crimes against humanity, against a defenseless Palestine are comparable to the Holocaust. (more…)

Venezuela: The Relaxation of the Opposition

By Richard Canan on May 20, 2021.

What yes, what no. In Juan Guaidó’s burning ranch everything is rice with mango. A mess of great magnitude. Worse than the tale of the clueless crab. His juggling and morisquette have left him with his legs upside down. He has opened up a tremendous quarrel in the bosom of the fascist right wing that for years has opted for coups and the generation of violence, promoting criminal blockades, attempted assassinations, maritime invasions and other terrorist ploys. (more…)

The Tragedy of Palestine

By Julio Yao on May 17 2021

Photo: Bill Hackwell

The current confrontations between Israel and Palestine have their origin in ethnic violence and war crimes – with a clear intention of genocide – systematically committed by the former against the population and occupied territories of the latter in Gaza, Tans-Jordan, and Jerusalem.  The tragedy has roots in the expulsion of the Palestinians beginning in 1948, when they suffered a precedented systematic plan of looting and displacement, repression and exploitation. (more…)

Messages from Gaza to Havana

By Yaimi Ravelo on May 17, 2021

Photo: pixabay

Only days before this last holocaust suffered by Palestine began, Dr. Fayez Abed al Shrafi went to meet a friend of the family. Ismail Mousa Salem received the doctor, who studied and graduated in Cuba, as one embraces a son.  This 83-year-old man knows all about wars, love, solidarity and friendship. (more…)

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