World Health Assembly: The World Should Be More like Cuba

By Alejandra Garcia on May 23, 2023

May 23, 2023, a new brigade of Cuban doctors arrive in Mexico.

The world is still suffering from the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Inflation, supply chain crises, and shortages of medicines and basic goods continue to affect most of the world’s countries, especially those less developed and besieged by the major powers, such as Cuba, but this is not news. What can governments do to counteract a future health crisis and can we overcome the dominate greed of the developed countries when it comes to public health? (more…)

Cuba Strengthens Ties with the Diaspora with New Migratory Measures

By Alejandra Garcia on May 18, 2023

Starting this July 1, Cuba will apply a group of migratory measures longed for by Cubans on the island and the diaspora, aimed at strengthening ties between the country and its citizens living abroad. The measures include extending the validity of migratory documents and the cost of applying for them from other countries, and come in the midst of a high exodus of people and an economic crisis spurred on by the U.S. blockade. (more…)

Revolutionary Leader Celia Sanchez Remains in the Hearts of the Cuban People

By Alejandra Garcia on May 11, 2023

photo: Granma

Every year around this time Cuba remembers Celia Sanchez Manduley the most native flower of the Cuban Revolution, as Celia Sanchez Manduley was lovingly known. This May 9, the first woman who joined the Revolutionary Army in the late 1950s with a rifle in her arms would have turned 103 years old.

Those who knew her say Celia’s most outstanding characteristic was her kindness. Her humble clothing and the decision to drive around in a small jeep without an escort made it difficult to envision her as a heroine of the Republic of Cuba and one of the key figures of the Cuban Revolution. (more…)

Cuba Celebra Impresionantes Manifestaciones del Primero de Mayo a su aire

Por Alejandra Garcia y Bill Hackwell el 5 de mayo de 2023 desde La Habana

photo: Syara Salado Massip

Estaba muy oscuro a las 4:30 cuando salimos para encontrarnos con  miles de personas que ya estaban tomando las calles al grito de ¡Viva Fidel!, ¡Viva Raúl! y ¡Viva Díaz Canel! Pasamos con determinación por la Plaza de la Revolución, giramos hacia La Rampa y bajamos hacia el Malecón. (more…)

Cuba Holds Impressive May Day Demonstrations on their Own Terms

By Alejandra Garcia and Bill Hackwell on May 5, 2023 from Havana

photo: Syara Salado Massip

It was pitch dark at 4:30 as we started out to find that already thousands were taking over the streets chanting, Viva Fidel!, Viva Raul! and Viva Diaz Canel! Moving with purpose past the Plaza of the Revolution turning onto La Rampa and down towards the Malecon. (more…)

Migrants Not Welcome; Biden to Send 1,500 Troops to the Border to Stop Them

By Alejandra Garcia on May 4, 2023

 On March 27 a fire at a migrant center in Juarez City, on the border with the United States, brought the world’s attention back to a problem that has worsened in recent years. Forty undocumented migrants from various countries in the region died in the fire. They are just a small fragment of the thousands who die and thousands more who endanger their lives while seeking asylum in the United States, where they are not welcome. (more…)

Miami Gives Refuge to US Backed Political Fake Juan Guaidó

By Alejandra Garcia and Bill Hackwell on April 25, 2023

For decades, Miami has been a refuge for the most hostile ultra-right-wingers leaders and rich cons in Latin America. It has become a sort of political haven for those fleeing justice in their countries due to their negligence and corruption. (more…)

Cuba Maintains Zero-Tolerance against Drugs

By Alejandra Garcia on April 23, 2023 from Havana

drug epidemics in US cities like San Francisco kills hundreds each year. photo Eric Risberg

Since the first years of the Revolution (1959), Cuba ceased to be the drug paradise created by Washington through the servile Cuban governments of the Republic years. The dream of making Cuba the Vegas of the Caribbean crumbled with the arrival of the Barbudos, who installed a zero-tolerance policy against drugs that prevails to this day. (more…)

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