Currently Browsing: Middle East

Israel Must Stop its Murderous Attacks on Palestinian Journalists and People

May 11, 2022

Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu AklehOn Wednesday, May 11, senior Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, 51 years old, was killed by Israeli security forces while she was covering a raid in the Jenin refugee camp in occupied West Bank. She was shot in the face despite wearing a press vest which identified her as a journalist. Another Palestinian journalist and Akleh’s colleague Ali al-Samoudi was also wounded in the shooting. He was shot in the back and was admitted to a hospital where he was reported to be out of danger. (more…)

Letter to the International Community: End the Blockade and the Destabilizing Actions against Cuba

November 10, 2021.

photo: Ismael Francisco

Letter signed by hundreds of world leaders and personalities in solidarity with the Cuban people and government up against the full-fledged destabilization attempts planned for November 15. (more…)

The Global Struggle of Poor Women against Hunger and the Pandemic

October 22, 2021

photo: Marek Studzinski – Pixabay

Without any doubt, the global pandemic of COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the economy, and, as a consequence, on the population as a whole.  Its appearance accelerated a systemic crisis that was already underway and allowed us to perceive the urgent need of change in the dynamics of the relationships imposed by capitalism. (more…)

La Via Campesina: Food Sovereignty, a Manifesto for the Future of Our Planet

October 13, 2021

photo: FAO/Danfung Dennis

Food Sovereignty is a philosophy of life. It offers a vision for our collective future, and defines the principles around which we organize our daily living and co-exist with Mother Earth. It is a celebration of life and all the diversity around us. (more…)

American Curios: Three Anniversaries

By David Brooks on August 31, 2021

2005-displaced workers from Hurricane Katrina, photo: Bill Hackwell

“The fierce urgency of now. This is not the time to engage in the luxury of calm or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make good on the promises of democracy,” declared the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at the culmination of the historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. (more…)

Afghanistan: The Great Game Continues

By Carlos Fazio on August 28, 2021

photo: Bill Hackwell

The media lies of Western propaganda about the fall of Kabul and the withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan, far from reflecting the definitive crumbling of the empire of chaos could mean a repositioning -with new elements of military privatization via sophisticated technologies, drones, long-range bombers, mercenaries and espionage networks- that obeys a geopolitical reconfiguration (more…)

Kabul, Game Over

By Atilio Borón on August 16, 2021

The fall of Kabul at the hands of the Taliban is a milestone marking the end of the global geopolitical transition. The international system underwent significant changes since the end of World War II. (more…)

Venezuelan President Maduro: ‘Afghanistan Speaks Volumes on Decline of US Empire’

August 17, 2021

photo: prensa presidential

The warmongering and interventionist policy of the United States empire has failed, as evidenced by the “pathetic” situation in which Afghanistan was left following the 20-year US occupation, according to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. (more…)

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